A2222 Datasheet: PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor, A2222 PDF VIEW Download SANYO Panasonic, A2222 1 page Datasheet PDF, Pinouts, Data Sheet, Equivalent. is fly back transistor 2SD1886 equivalent to BU508AF? secondary voltage 150Vcc appear 6 to 10 seconds then fall down and the power supply swich off. 2SA2222SG Bipolar Transistor 50V, 10A, Low VCE 2SA2222SG Product Package Marking Electrical Connection A2222 SG LOT No. Apr 17, 2012BC547 vs 2N2222 transistor Reply to Thread. Discussion in It is also possible to glue very small heat sinks on a transistor to increase its wattage. 2N2222A Transistor Datasheet pdf, 2N2222A Equivalent. Parameters and Characteristics transistor equivalent 28 images a2222 datasheet pnp bipolar transistor 50v 10a onsemi. d1408 y nte equivalent nte291 transistor npn silico wholesale electronics. Jul 19, 2008I have seen many circuits using the 2N2222 transistor (correct me if it isn't one). one of them uses it to control electrical appliances. It says it The 2N2222 is a common NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) used for general purpose lowpower amplifying or switching applications. It is designed for low to medium. transistor bipolar datasheet A2222 Datasheet Pnp Bipolar Transistor 50v 10a Onsemi, D5024 Datasheet D5024 Pdf Schematic Manual Equivalent Jilin Sino. PN2222, PN2222A General Purpose Transistors 2222 YWW Y Year WW Work Week SWITCHING TIME EQUIVALENT TEST CIRCUITS equivalent transistor 2N2222 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. transistor A2222 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Type Designator: 2N2222 Material of Transistor: Si Polarity: NPN Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 0. 5 W Can I replace a 2N222 by a BC558B, BC549C or BC327? I need to build a protection system using Rel and a Transistor. But he uses the 2N2222 transistor and I don. Nov 22, 2014TRANSISTOR A2222 C6144 EPSON Toko Online Ekohasan: CDDVD Tutorial, Driverpack, Obat Herbal, Spare Part Komputer, Laptop, Printer, Resetter Printer. transistor epson l300 28 images harga jual ic reset eprom epson l120 vcssolo distributor sparepart printer, jual transistor a2222 dan c6144 ori new ic mainboard. Buy International Transistor Equivalents Guide (Bernard Babani Publishing Radio and Electronics Books) by Adrian Michaels (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. a2222 transistor equivalent 27 images epson doesn t recognize cartridges, data sheet service manual, b a2222 k189 pdf. A2222 Datasheet, A2222 PDF, A2222 Data sheet, A2222 manual, A2222 pdf, A2222, datenblatt, Electronics A2222, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, Datasheets, data sheet