Detailsby Dolly KyleWND Digital EditionAlso Available in PaperbackProduct DescriptionYou think you know Hillary and Bill Clinton pretty well. Hillary the Other Woman has 526 ratings and 80 reviews. Robert said: A former longterm lover of Bill Clinton (perhaps, one of the longest of his many tr Find product information, ratings and reviews for Hillary The Other Woman: A Political Memoir (Hardcover) (Dolly Kyle) online on Target. Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir (Dolly Kyle) at Booksamillion. You think you know Hillary and Bill Clinton pretty well. Buy Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir by Dolly Kyle (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The Hardcover of the Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir by Dolly Kyle at Barnes Noble. Hillary the Other Woman is not only about the politics of the Arkansas gubernatorial years and the famous two for the Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir May 09, 2016Hillary just a liar, or 'cognitively impaired Exclusive: She is the author of the new book, Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir. Find product information, ratings and reviews for Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir (Unabridged) (CDSpoken Word) (Dolly Kyle) online on Target. Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir Kindle edition by Dolly Kyle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Find great deals for Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir by Dolly Kyle (2016, Hardcover). Video embedded lawyer and author Dolly Kyle writes in her bombshell book Hillary, The Other Woman, The Other Woman: A Political Memoir by Dolly Kyle is available on. Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir (ebook) by Dolly Kyle. DetailsBy Dolly KyleAutographed Edition available exclusively from the WND Superstore. Signed books are precious treasures. An autographed book from your favorite. Free 2day shipping on qualified orders over 35. Buy Hillary The Other Woman: A Political Memoir at Walmart. com The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir by Dolly Kyle at Barnes Noble. You think you know Hillary and Bill Clinton pretty well. After all, they have been in the public eyefrom Arkansas to the White House and beyondfor over forty years. Read Hillary the Other Woman by Dolly Kyle by Dolly Kyle for free with a 30 day free trial. Read eBook on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir. You think you know Hillary and Bill Clinton pretty well. After all, they have been in the