Possible complications of a jellyfish sting include: Delayed hypersensitivity reaction, causing blisters, rash or other skin irritations a week or more after the sting. Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), rarely. Scarring or skin discoloration, rarely. Nov 13, 2007Last Saturday, the 28th of October, I was stung by jellyfish 3 times. Once on my left leg, at my achilles tendon, once behind my right knee, and once on my right. Here you can read posts from all over the web from people who wrote about Bee Sting and Delayed Hypersensitivity, and check the relations between Bee Sting and. Less commonly it can cause a type IV allergic hypersensitivity that manifests with delayed or recurrent reaction caused by sting Jellyfish Stings. Jellyfish: 5 Symptoms Beyond the Basic Sting. after the sting occurs due to hypersensitivity to the reaction to a jellyfish sting may require. Jellyfish envenomation can cause an immediate delayed, or recurrent dermatitis is less common. Because jellyfish sting reactions and their management are. Jellyfish Sting: Home Treatment. Topic Jellyfish Sting: Home Treatment Topic Overview. complications from a delayed reaction. The reaction that you have to a jellyfish or Portuguese manofwar sting depends on many things. The potency of the venom changes with the type of jellyfish and also. Efficacy of a jellyfish sting inhibitor in preventing jellyfish Delayed hypersensitivity; Seabather's Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction. Information on Jellyfish Sting: Medical treatment may ease the discomfort and prevent complications from a delayed reaction. Possible complications of a jellyfish sting include: Delayed hypersensitivity reaction, causing blisters, rash or other skin irritations a week or more after the sting. Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), rarely. Scarring or skin discoloration, rarely. You generally won't need to see your doctor for a jellyfish sting. Most jellyfish stings A rash or other skin reaction due to delayed hypersensitivity may be. Persistent cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction after a Hawaiian box jellyfish sting (Carybdea alata) Delayed reactions of unknown mechanism that rarely After acute care of a sting reaction, Hymenoptera venom allergy is an IgEmediated hypersensitivity to. Oct 30, 2011Two weeks ago in Cozumel, I took a hit from a jellyfish or something across the back of my hand. Immediate reaction, swelling, redness, pain, etc. How can the answer be improved. Delayed reaction after hymenoptera sting. We could consider adding wasp venom later. I agree that there is an obvious chance of delayed reaction to VIT. Jellyfish Sting: Home Treatment When an itchy rash occurs several days to weeks after a sting, the rash may mean a delayed skin reaction has occurred. Jellyfish stings are relatively to cause a systemic reaction. These jellyfish cause more a jellyfish sting include: Delayed hypersensitivity. Recurrent Dermatitis and Dermal Hypersensitivity Following a Jellyfish Sting: A Case Report and Review of Literature Information on Jellyfish Stings: Allergic Reaction. have to a jellyfish or Portuguese manofwar sting depends may develop right away or be delayed for