Conjugate 'riposarsi Conjugations of Italian verbs in all tenses. At see free explanations of the main Italian tenses and how they work. English Translation of riposarsi The official Collins ItalianEnglish Dictionary online. Over 100, 000 English translations of Italian words and phrases. The Italian verb riposarsi means to take a rest; relax; or sit down again. Learn about the various conjugations for the Italian verb riposarsi. riposare translation english, Italian English dictionary, meaning, see also example of use, definition, conjugation. riposarsi, , , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation. riposarsi translation english, Italian English dictionary, meaning, see also example of use, definition, conjugation. infinitive: riposare: auxiliary verb: avere when transitive, essere when intransitive: gerund: riposando: riposarsi; Anagrams 946 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from riposarsi hashtag Deve riposarsi. , , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation. Resting means being comfortable. It means preparing for new strengths and new thoughts, it is energy. Being able to do so with complete peace of mind Start studying Italian Present Progressive. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type conj riposarsi in your address bar for the fastest conjugations. riposarsi ALCUNI VERBI RIFLESSIVI USATI COMUNEMENTE abbronzarsi: to tan abituarsi a: to get used to riposarsi: to rest rompersi: to break (one's leg, arm) RIPOSARSI. Riposarsi dopo lo studio, dopo il lavoro, dopo una corsa, dopo le scale a. riposarsi v rif (cercare pace, riposo) rest, relax vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct objectfor example, She jokes. Italian: riposarsi Italian verb 'riposarsi' conjugated. Conjugate another Italian verb. Support the free Verbix verb conjugation services Contact Verbix Last update. Translations in context of riposarsi in ItalianEnglish from Reverso Context: per riposarsi riposarsi. reflexive of riposare; to rest, have a rest, lie down; Synonyms. dormire, riposare, sdraiarsi; Etymology 2 Verb. Translation for 'riposarsi' in the free ItalianEnglish dictionary and many other English translations. What are the Conjugations for the Italian Verb Riposarsi? Learn Something New Every Day Email Address Sign up There was an error.